Django Tutorials

Kostja Palović

How to create a superuser in Django

Learn how to use the `createsuperuser` management command in Django to create a superuser, either through prompts or by providing specific arguments.

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Kostja Palović

Customize Django Admin Interface

Learn how to customize Django admin interface: forms, theme, make it more secure by changing the URL and make it more powerful and convenient

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Kostja Palović

Building a restful api with Django REST framework tutorial

This tutorial explains what RESTful API is and why it's used, followed by a step-by-step guide on how to build a REST API using Django. It covers creating a new Django project, defining models for a TODO app, using REST framework serializers and CRUD views, setting up a Django REST framework router and URLs, and testing the API.

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Kostja Palović

Django REST Framework Swagger OpenAPI Tutorial

Why use OpenAPI and how to add it to a Django REST API project. Differences between Swagger and OpenAPI, and the benefits of using OpenAPI. Instructions on installing and setting up drf-spectacular, a package that generates OpenAPI documentation. How to. access the OpenAPI Swagger and redoc interfaces.

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Kostja Palović

Django Docker Tutorial with Postgres

The concept of Docker and Docker Compose, the benefits of using them to containerize a Django application, and provides a tutorial on how to set up a Django project in a Docker container using Docker Compose.

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