Django vs Express.JS

Django wins if you need to build a bigger project and you want to benefit from rich ecosystem of packages, but it is faster to start simple app with Express.JS especially if you know some JavaScript already.

The answer to this question depends on the type of web app you are building and the features you need. Django and Express.js are popular frameworks for building web applications, but they are best suited for different applications.

Django is a Python-based web framework great for building complex web applications with databases, authentication systems, and other advanced features. If you are looking to develop a feature-rich web application, Django is a great choice.

Express.js is a JavaScript-based web framework that is great for creating real-time applications. If you need to build an application that requires real-time updates, such as an online chat room or a multiplayer game, Express.js is an excellent choice.

Strengths of Django

1. Built-in admin panel. 
2. Excellent security features. 
3. Robust ORM to manage a database. 
4. Scalability and extensibility.
5. Good documentation and support.

Strengths of Express.js:

1. Easy-to-use routing system. 
2. Flexible middleware. 
3. Good documentation. 
4. Highly customizable. 
5. Fast and lightweight.

Express.js can be an excellent start for those who already know JavaScript and has experience with front-end development. The programing language will be the same – JavaScript. Starting an app with Express.js is straightforward, but since there are small to no conventions about the code structure, the code base can become hard to maintain if you don't put enough effort into keeping things organized.

Benefits of Django and ecosystem

Django takes a bit longer to set up if you want a proper production setup, mainly when you use all its included batteries and the vast ecosystem of packages.

But the initial effort pays off very well.

Django scales well if the project follows the 12-Factor App principles.

Django can be both an API server and render pages on its own. With some effort, you can incorporate modern front-end tools like Tailwind.

Django's admin panel and built-in forms library that works well with ORM models allows you to build an internal company tool or a basic project quickly.

Tools like Django REST Framework and DRF-Spectacular will make a great API from that.

With built-in authentications and permissions, you can quickly add functionality to the project and be the hero of your company by shipping the project and changes very fast.

Is it easy to learn Django?

Django is also relatively easy to learn. They have an excellent website tutorial that doesn't require you to know Python if you follow their steps.

You can also extend Django with many third-party apps and libraries.

Django allows you to create user-friendly URLs, making it easier for users to find the content they want.

Django also provides a robust security system that helps protect your application from malicious attacks.

Finally, Django is exceptionally scalable and can quickly grow with your application.


If you are already familiar with JavaScript and don't have time to learn anything else to do a simple project fast – go with Express.JS.

If you plan to make a serious product that will grow in both usage and functionality and want to enjoy included batteries and a vast ecosystem of packages – Django is your pick.