Overview of free Django hosting offerings: AWS, Vultr, Google Cloud Platform. Deploy your first Django project for free on any of these Virtual Cloud Server Providers.
How to work with Django Celery tasks, avoid typical pitfalls while working with background tasks, use locking to avoid simultaneous processing of the same data.
The concept of Docker and Docker Compose, the benefits of using them to containerize a Django application, and provides a tutorial on how to set up a Django project in a Docker container using Docker Compose.
Learn how to use the `createsuperuser` management command in Django to create a superuser, either through prompts or by providing specific arguments.
Database is the main auxiliary service needed for running your Django Project. How to create AWS RDS Postgres Database and connect to Django.
How to send email from Django Project via AWS SES, set up tracking of bounces and complaints, and filter bad email addresses to protect email deliverability.
Learn how to create Express.js application with an endpoint that stores records in PostgreSQL database and deploy it on AWS EC2 Instance and Digital Ocean Droplet
Learn how to create a chat application with Django channels and deploy it in production without learning about DevOps!