Here are the attributes of Django's admin.ModelAdmin that affect the change list table along with their descriptions.

These attributes allow you to customize the appearance and functionality of the change list table in the Django admin interface.

  • list_display - A list of field names to display in the change list table.
  • list_display_links - A list of field names in list_display that should be linked to the change page for an object.
  • date_hierarchy - A field name to enable date-based drill-down navigation.
  • list_per_page - An integer specifying the number of items to display per page in the change list.
  • list_max_show_all - An integer specifying the maximum number of items to display when the "Show all" link is clicked.
  • list_editable - A list of field names in list_display that should be editable on the change list page.
  • show_full_result_count - A boolean that determines whether to show the full result count or just the number of results on the current page.