Celery Tutorials

Kostja Palović

Using Celery task to generate data for a view

Learn how to use the Celery task to generate data for a Django view that is taking too long to respond.

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Kostja Palović

Django Celery Multiple Queues, when and how to use them

How to work with multiple queues in Celery, why you need it and how to set it up. Tutorial includes file processing and DNS lookups for domains of email addresses. Also, docker-compose.yml is covered for local development.

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Kostja Palović

Flower Celery Monitoring

Flower is the monitoring and administration tool for Celery. Learn how to setup in local development, how to secure it with BASIC_AUTH and how to deploy it in a production/staging environment in Appliku

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Kostja Palović

Celery shared_task

shared_task is a decorator that makes a function – a celery task. Its primary purpose is for library developers because it doesn't require Celery App instance, but it is convenient for everyone. See params and examples of how to use it.

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Kostja Palović

Celery Groups and Chords

Deep dive into differences between Celery Groups and Chords. In this tutorial, you will see when callbacks are called for groups and chords, how the hard-fail chord behaves to see celery chord error callback. You will also see how tasks retry inside groups and chords.

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Kostja Palović

Rate Limiting Celery Tasks

How to rate limit execution of Celery tasks in a reliable way. Throttle calls to 3rd party API via Celery Tasks.

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Kostja Palović

Celery Task Priority

This article covers how to prioritise tasks processing depending on user tier. The described approach uses Celery as an example, but can be replicated with any other background task processing tooling.

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