Sphinx is a tool for creating technical documentation.

It supports both reStructuredText and MyST Markdown.

In this tutorial I will show how to start a documentation site, enable Markdown support, install the Book theme (my personal favorite) and deploy it as a static site with Appliku.


For this tutorial you need:

  • You need to have Python 3.11 or higher installed on your computer.
  • git
  • GitHub account
  • Appliku Account


Source code is available on GitHub appliku/sphinxtutorial

Create a sphinx project

Create environment and install dependencies

mkdir sphinxtutorial
cd sphinxtutorial
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install sphinx myst-parser sphinx-book-theme
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Start a project:

sphinx-quickstart --sep -a "Author Name" -p "Sphinx Tutorial" -l en -r "" .

Create .gitignore file in the root of the project:


in source/conf.py edit extensions and theme:

extensions = ['myst_parser']
html_theme = 'sphinx_book_theme'

Since we plan to use Markdown, let's remove source/index.rst file and create source/index.md

# Sphinx Tutorial

Welcome to our amazing Sphinx Tutorial

:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents


Now you can go back to terminal and type

make html

(python environment should be activated already).

This will generate our html code in build/html directory.

Open the file in the browser: build/html/index.html

Sphinx Initial Tutorial

Let's see how navigation for other pages will work.

In the source directory create a file about.md

# Hello, I am author of this site

Save it. Now in the index.md file add this page to toctree

# Sphinx Tutorial

Welcome to our amazing Sphinx Tutorial

:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents


And now run

make html


Back to the browser, refresh the page.

Sphinx documentation Markdown main page toctree

You can see the link to the about page. Click on it.

Another page in Sphinx documentation

Commit and push to Github

In the terminal type:

git init
git add .
git commit -m"Initial commit"

Now go to GitHub.com/new and create a new repository.

Create GitHub repository for Sphinx Documentation site

Since repository is empty, GitHub offers some commands to push the code. We need the git remote add origin, select and copy the line, paste in the terminal and run it.


Now type

git push -u origin master

and you can see that the code is pushed to your GitHub repository.

Sphinx Documentation Site on GitHub

Deploy Sphinx Documentation site

Go to Appliku dashboard, create an account if you don't have one already.

Create and add a server for Sphinx Documentation Site

Add an Ubuntu or a Debian server from a cloud provider of your choice, if you haven't already.

Here are guides for adding servers from different cloud providers:

Create a static site from GitHub repository

After you have created a server, go to the "Applications" page and create a new application from GitHub repository.

Give application a name, select the repository, branch and a server. Don't forget to check "This is a static site".

Create a static site from GitHub repository

Go to settings image

On the "build settings" tab you need to have these settings:

  • Base Docker Image: Python 3.12
  • build command: make html
  • output directory: build/html

Click "Save Changes" and click "Deploy Now"


Click on the application name to get to the app overview page. When the deployment is finished click on "Open App" and the domain name.

Open Sphinx Documentation Site

Congratulations, our Sphinx documentation site is deployed!

Sphinx documentation site is deployed as a static site